In actie
Victoria Verdy heeft haar schilderij "Formula of victory" gedoneerd voor de wereldbekende stichting "Laureus Sport For Good Foundation".
Dit werk is verkocht voor € 15.000,00.
As a stylist and activist I am happy to collaborate by sharing my work in support of bringing an end to FGV and the polluting of our planet. All of my work is available for free to help educate and correct these problems. Please contact me for images.
Plastic is a substance the Earth cannot digest. Plastic affect human health, spoils our groundwater, threatens wildlife.
Female Genital Mutilation is a horrifying tradition that still takes place every day around the world. More than 200 millions girls have been subjected to FGM. The crazy thing is cases of this barbaric procedure are expected to rise. Every day about 8000 girls are faced with this torture. Thats 3 million girls every year!
Through the power of images we try to awaken the world to this insane practice and force authorities to protect and prosecute the perpetrators. We felt it is our duty to wake people up, inspire them to mobilize and sometimes even disturb them with images ….all to make the wold a better place.

YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! Attend the annual meeting “International day of Zero Tolerance” which gathers all the organizations working on this issue in your country.
Together we can eliminate the torture of women and end FGM.
In March 2018, the Dutch photography magazine PF published an article about this photo series.
You can read it here.